Bishop's Cleeve Clarion Newsletter
We produce a newsletter on a bi-monthly basis. You can view and print our newsletters by clicking on the links below:
If you wish to receive a printed copy of the Clarion, there is a charge of £18 for the year (January to November - 6 editions) to cover the printing and distribution costs. How to pay:
- Online using a credit/debit card on Printed Clarion page.
- For other payment methods please contact the Treasurer.
u3a matters
As part of your subscription as a member you are entitled to receive by post regular copies of u3a matters (formerly Third Age Matters) about 5 times each year. Packed full of stories, advice, recipes and features it is produced by the Third Age Trust and sent out on the basis of one copy per household.
If you do not wish to receive this magazine, please inform the Membership Secretary
National Newsletter
The u3a Friends Newsletter is a regular email filled with information, stories and advice including items of interest or offers for you from across the u3a movement. Sign up and you will receive regular u3a updates and offers both regional and national, direct to your email inbox throughout the month.